Capitolul 12: Consiliere și puncte de contact în Saxonia-Anhalt

Relevant contact points for counselling Union citizens are the Migration Counselling for Adult Migrants (MBE) and the Youth Migration Services (JMD). Both services are represented throughout Saxony-Anhalt. Here, the associations of the Freie Wohlfahrtspflege provide advice.
The migration counselling centres for adults (MBE) support immigrants in their first steps in Germany:
- Learning the German language
- getting to know their new environment
- getting into school, training and work in good time
- individual case management
- Determining individual support needs
- support planning
The current overview of the state-wide migration counselling centres for adult migrants (MBE) in Saxony-Anhalt can be found in the overview of the state integration portal. In addition, you can find migration counselling centres in Germany using the BAMF search form (search form by postal code/place of residence).
The Youth Migration Services (JMD) also offer special support mea-sures to European immigrants between the ages of 12 and 27. This includes counselling on personal, linguistic, educational, vocational and social participation and integration.
Relevant information and tips are available to young people with a migration background on the JMD portal, which brings together more than 450 youth migration services of different providers. On the homepage of the JMD portal you can also find your local youth migration service via a search function.
The counselling centres of the Gesonderte Beratung und Betreuung in Sachsen-Anhalt (gBB) can also be used by citizens of the European Union. The gBB provide support, for example, in the rapid integration into the cultural and social environment in Germany, in finding accommodation and work, they accompany people in crisis situations and advise on questions of language support, further education, law and integration.
The gBB are represented locally throughout the country. You can find the contact details of your nearest gBB advice centre in the table on the integration portal.
As an EU national, you have access to a wide range of psychosocial counseling centers, which are essentially offered by the associations of the Freie Wohlfahrtspflege.
The counseling services include:
- general social counseling,
- Pregnancy and pregnancy conflict counseling,
- Marriage, family, life and educational counseling,
- debtor and insolvency counseling,
- addiction counseling.
The services offered by the counseling centers are free of charge, confidential and, if desired, anonymous. If necessary, counseling can be provided with the support of interpreters/language mediators.
In Saxony-Anhalt, there are facilities throughout the state that provide help and support if you have been affected by a crime or would like to advocate for those affected.
The following are some of the victim support institutions in Saxony-Anhalt:
- Kinderschutzbund Landesverband Sachsen-Anhalt
- Beratungsstellen für Opfer sexualisierter Gewalt
- LIKO - Landesintervention und -koordination bei häuslicher Gewalt und Stalking
- Fachstelle Vera für den Schutz von Mädchen und Frauen
- Verbraucherzentrale - Schuldnerberatung
- Other victim support organisations in Saxony-Anhalt
- Netzwerk für ein Leben ohne Gewalt
The services offered by the specialised centres are free of charge, anonymous and confidential. If necessary, counselling can be provided in the mother tongue with the support of interpreters/language mediators.
Further guidance on counselling centres for EU nationals can be found through the local contacts in the respective districts and municipalities of Saxony-Anhalt, the Coordination Centres for Integration/Migration. The coordination centres do not provide individual counselling. They offer professional referral counselling to local persons and counselling centres who can help you with your concerns. You can find the contact persons in the coordination offices of the cities and municipalities of Saxony-Anhalt in this overview of the integration portal.
The digital map "Compass Saxony-Anhalt" offers a state-wide and structured overview of services for immigrants. In addition to projects and training courses, more than 100 counselling centres are listed in detail on the platform. Search options facilitate access, and the corresponding markers on the interactive map can also be used to quickly find counselling locations in the desired region or town.
If you would like advice or information for yourself or your family members, you also have the option of submitting a request to the supra-regional EU Workers' Equality Body using a form.
Use the relevant form of the Equal Treatment Authority for your request for advice.