3. fejezet: Német nyelvtanulás

Uniós állampolgárként Ön nem jogosult arra, hogy felvegyék egy integrációs tanfolyamra, és általában magának kell fizetnie a német nyelvtanfolyamot. A Szövetségi Migrációs és Menekültügyi Hivatal (BAMF) azonban felveheti Önt és családtagjait egy integrációs tanfolyamra, ha Ön és családtagjai még nem beszélnek elég jól németül, még nem vettek részt integrációs tanfolyamon, és vannak szabad helyek.
Az integrációs tanfolyam egy nyelvtanfolyamból és egy tájékozódási tanfolyamból áll, amelynek során Németország jogrendszerével, történelmével és kultúrájával kapcsolatos ismereteket oktatnak. A tanfolyam költségeinek felét az állam állja. A tanfolyam költségeihez önnek kell hozzájárulnia.
If you have already reached language level B1, you can take part in professional language courses.
Under the following conditions, you may be entitled to participate in a vocational language course: If you
- are registered with the Employment Agency as a training seeker, job seeker or unemployed, or are participating in vocational preparation measures or assisted training, or
- receive unemployment benefit II or
- you have to reach a certain language level, to accompany the recognition of foreign vocational qualifications or for access to a profession, or if you are a
- are a trainee/apprentice.
The Goethe-Institut, which is represented in many countries, offers an opportunity to learn German before coming to Germany. It promotes knowledge of the German language abroad and fosters international cultural cooperation. You can thus take advantage of the opportunity to complete one of the many language courses at levels A1-C2 in your home country.
In addition to the many online language courses, one possibility for learning foreign languages (European languages, German as a foreign language) are the language courses offered by the local adult education centres. In many places, language courses in German for foreigners / German as a second language are part of the regular programme at the adult education centre. In larger cities, you will often find language courses for Bulgarian, Polish, Romanian, Hungarian, etc. You may also have to search in the vicinity of your place of residence to find the language course you are looking for. Language courses at adult education centres (Volkshochschulen) are subject to a fee, but are often cheaper than those offered by other language learning providers.
The state association of adult education centres (Landesverband der Volkshochschulen) offers an overview of adult education centres in Saxony-Anhalt with an interactive map of the individual locations.
Language tandems are a free option for learning foreign languages. Such language partnerships exist in various cities and towns. In a language tandem, language learners of different mother tongues support each other through personal meetings or other exchanges. It can be a matter of refreshing language skills, expanding vocabulary or having an intercultural chat.
To find a language tandem locally in Saxony-Anhalt, you can use the search function of the language tandem portal tandem.net or the language partner portal erstenachhilfe.de.
For students in Saxony-Anhalt, the universities offer language tandems, for example the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg.